For clarity, I think I will write this only once. I do not write confessional poetry, and I do not write things down as a form of therapy. I write because I have something unique to say in a unique sort of way, a way that I think is universal in an analogous manner, not as any sort of literal or digital telling of the truth. I trowel spackle onto pages with a edged blade, I don’t paint aging widows with a brush. (My soul has been psychedelicized, but t his shit’s not about me.) It comes in this form – that this relates to that, in this way – A form that I think illustrates things that are too true to be looked at straight on – personal truths that are usually discovered through interactions with other people – truths that are often relational, unreliable and subject to the weavings and debris of human beings. Truths that sneak out and become a miraculous surprise of insight – like a Zen master hitting you on the head with a baseball bat at just the right time. I don’t think I’m t
Poetry, Politics and Humor