Chapter 24 There was a lull at the change of shift, as if we had decided as a group to pause and take a deep breath. The nurse I had relieved four hours earlier finally had time to give me report on Posey, though it was little and late, I appreciated the effort. Her night had ended brutally, with the death of a youngish open-heart patient, and her report was more about her than Posey. To talk about the things in your head is to set them free. But as a nurse, it wasn’t that easy. Spending the day juggling facts and feelings to construct a reality of absolute control was not something that just fell out of you at the end of your shift, and the subject matter of the actual work itself was not a thing to casually bring up at home with the loved ones. Shit, piss, blood, pus, and death were not things we replied with when someone asked how are day went. Some of the devils in our heads came out in work, through black humor and cynical jokes, and sometimes we go