Strange Attractor - 2008-07-13 09:23
Strange Attractor
Shaken words that paint as sound on sand
Shaken words that paint as sound on sand
Of measured careful thoughts
pushed hard.
To Bing and bong the gong of all
A willful shape of lips and tongue.
And pause an echoed
and the scree of loose parts shorn
The colored quarks to each way
And take themselves away to
As the rush of words unfold,
Plastic rubbered blowback.
Pinning ear to rail
Awaiting the hum
To remind you of the time
And the place where all
is born
When the thoughts find word.
This shape of fear and faith
Twisted by the arms of god
Alone and blind in pounded
Our word our torch
Giving dimness to a gloom.
Mike Brady 2009/2017